What is terrorism? All about terrorism!

 What is terrorism?

It is deliberate, systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear to gain political ends. Terrorism is intentionally evil, a -necessary evil, and wholly evil.

                                                     - paul johnson

Who is considered a terrorist?

The person who is engaged in spreading fear or threat in the territory through their violent activities is considered a terrorist.

What is a terrorist organization?

When a group of people having the same goal involved in inhuman activities is considered as a terrorist organization. Terrorism is widely considered to be the greatest security challenge of all time.

Some of the terrorist organization are:

What is the purpose of terrorism?

1. To gain political power.

2. To spread fear and violence among the citizens.

3. Designed to have far reaching psychological repercussion.

History of Terrorism!

Terrorism is not new in society. It has also an ancient origin.  The "Sicari" was an early Jewish terrorist organization founded in the 1st century AD to overthrow the roman in the middle east.

The modern concept of terrorism has emerged from the "French Revolution 1789". It was known as the "Reign of terrors in France".

What is International Terrorism?

When violent acts of a terrorist involved two or more states it is considered International terrorism. It affects all the states. Recently it is increasing rapidly.

What are the types of terrorism?

There are four types of terrorism :

1. State-sponsored terrorism :

When there is the support of the government to the terrorist organization it is considered state-sponsored terrorism. These activites are like proxies in armed conflict between the states.

2. Dissent Terrorism :

Those terrorist group which rebelled against their government is considered as Dissent terrorism. 

3. Religious terrorism ;

Those terrorist organizations that aim to spread their religion across the globe are considered religious terrorism.

4. Criminal terrorism ;

Those organization which is involved in aid crime and criminal profit is considered as criminal terrorism.

What causes terrorism?

1. When there is a desire of a particular group of people to form their separate country .

2. Discrimination with the people is one of the major causes of the involvement of more people in terrorist activities.

3. When an organization involved in spreading their religion through their unlawful activities is one of the major cause of spreading terrorism rapidly. Presently 'ISIS' has the main goal to spread Islam.

4. Lack of economic status in society is also considered as one of the main causes of spreading terrorism. Unemployment and poverty played a role to join the terrorist organization. India is also one of them where poor youth are given a hefty amount by a terrorist organization to do violent acts in the country.

5. Political Grievance among the people forces the people to join the terrorist organization. In many cases, It has seen that political grievances lead to the growth of terrorists.

How terrorism can be stopped?

Terrorism cannot be stopped until there is  poverty,unemployment, religion, and discrimination.



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