What is Rape?
When a person engages in sexual activity with another person without the person`s will and consents it is considered RAPE. No woman can be charged for the offence of committing rape and sexual assault on men does not consider RAPE. 
What is sexual assault?
When a person forces another person to engage in a sexual act, without the person`s will and consent. It includes violence, touching in private parts, using a weapon in the genital area.
Variations of Rape :-
There are five variations.
!. Aggregated Rape
Rape will be called aggravated rape because of the special position of the criminal or of the victim.
The special position of a criminal :
1. He holds the position of trust
2. He holds the position of authority.
The special position of a victim can be if :
1. She was pregnant at the time of crime.
2. She ends up in a vegetative state or dies because of such a crime.
Punishment for this type of Rape:
Life imprisonment or the death penalty.
Exception:: If a minor commits this type of crime he is to be in prison for only 3 years.
2. Statutory Rape
It means to have sexual intercourse with a minor.
There is a fixed age limit in every country. Sexual intercourse with some women below that age will constitute the offense of Rape.
In India, the age prescribed for statutory Rape is 18 years.
Punishment for this type of Rape:
Life imprisonment or the death penalty.
3. Marital Rape
When a married couple is having sexual intercourse and one of the spouse does not consent to do it . Such intercourse is termed as Marital Rape.
Marital Rape is a part of Domestic violence and sexual abuse. But in India, it is not considered as a form of Rape. It is not an offence in India to force the spouse for sexual intercourse.
kesa Desh hai Hamara!
Punishment for this type of Rape:
2 to 7 years of prison.
4. Gang Rape
When Rape is committed by one or more persons with a common intention. It is considered as Gang Rape and all the person involved in it shall be punished.
How can one person constitute a Gang Rape?
One person will be said to commit Gang-Rape when such person will Rape the victim and others abet the act of Rape.
Punishment for this type of Rape:
Life imprisonment or the death penalty.
5. Necrophilia
It refers to a man having sexual intercourse with an unconscious woman.
If a woman is unconscious due to drug, alcohol, or any other type of intoxication and is unable to give consent. In that case, if a man engages in sexual activity with an unconscious woman it is considered Rape.
Punishment for this type of Rape:
Life imprisonment or the death penalty.
What is the main reason for Rape?
Some people think that " it is the size of girls dresses as an invitation to the rapists". This type of thinking is very ill, those who think that the Rapes are happening because of clothes then should definitely see the picture below:
There is a myth > According to some rapists,' if a girl says no it means a yes'. Some people think that if a girl is drinking alcohol, having fun with male friends, and being frank with them, then it means she is a prostitute. Sexually obsessed rapist don't consider woman as human but as an object that can be violated.
The main reason for Rape is:
1. Lack of sex education
2. Lack of moral education.
3. Pornography
4. Dirty thinking of society.
How Rapes can be stopped?
1. First of all we should stop blaming the vicitm.
2. By teaching the youth about sex education.
3. By giving moral education to children in their early stages of life.
Why we should give moral education?
4. Parents need to teach their sons that if a girl says no that means no.
5. By investing in womans. By teaching them self defence.
In India every 16 minutes a women is Raped somewhere in the country. In 2019 the country had recorded 88 Rape cases every day and many Rape cases are not registered because of the family reuptation , log kya kahenge etc etc .......
I feel ashamed for saying this that India is a country filled with Rapists and not even a single woman is safe in India and I am not a proud Indian.
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