What is religion? What is the difference between religion and casteism? What is Casteism? What are the issues caused by religion??

 What is religion?

It is a belief in and worship of a person towards God.

 Difference between religion and casteism!!

Religion is a broad concept while casteism comes under religion. The caste system is based on the qualities of a person and religion is given during the birth when a person is born.

Types of religion:-

      1. Hindusim

     2. Islam

     3. Christianity

     4. Sikhism 

     5. Other

         a. Judaism 

         b. Bahai faith, etc

    6. Buddhism 

    7. Jainism

    8. Zoroastrianism



 Population of religions in India!!!

 Who created Religion?

  Religions are created by humans it is not created by God. Religion is only made for the workship of Gods. Not for judging people according to their religions. Anyone can follow any religion.No one can force other people to follow their religion.

Religious issues:-

   1. One religion and its followers are discriminated against by           another religion

  2. Lack of unity in the nation.

  3. Religion is seen as the basis of the nation

  4. People beliefs that the belief of one religion is superior to others

  5.Conflict between families during the intercaste marriage.

What is casteism?

  It refers to one-sided loyalty in favour of a particular caste.

 Casteism according to the Hindu caste system.

   Casteism is divided into 5 categories:-

         1. Brahmins 

       2. Kshatriyas

       3. Vaishyas

       4. Shudras

       5. Untouchables

The translation of caste in Hindi means "Jati". According to the scriptures, it indicates one person's community/tribe/clan.

These five castes are known as varna.

Varna defines the type of people concerning their work skills. 
Because of divisions of these categories problems like Discrimination, injustice, and inequality is rising.

Varna is not determined by birth. It was mentioned in Bhagwad Gita, Mahabharata Shantiparwa.

According to Bhagwad Gita:

" All the different qualities of work of the various castes in society namely the brahmins, Kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras are determined by the innate modes of their nature(Gunas)".

According to Mahabharta Shantiparwa:

"There is no superior caste . The being created by him were only divided into castes according to their attributes(Gunas)".
Today's modern society has mixed up the varna caste concept and the Jati concept.
Varna is to be determined from karma and the three Gunas which cannot be determined by looking at the last name...


In today's society, there is a lot of discrimination because of varnas many people think that brahmins are superior, Shudras and untouchables are inferior. But it's bullshit...

Varna is a concept it is not a tag to be put on someone...


Religion and caste in is a curse to the country it creates disunity, conflicts, discrimination. It is only made for the worship of God. Some people fight for their religions believing that their religion is superior and other religions are inferior. One should respect every religion because God is one. No will get anything by forcing other people to follow their religion...


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