FGM: Female Genital Mutilation. What is FGM ?

What Is FGM ?

FGM - Female genital mutilation.

FGM is Non-medical practice that removes female genital organs. It is a tradition followed by some people in which they cut the female genital parts. Girls are cut when they are very young. Girls of age 5 are also suffered from FGM. Basically, FGM is violence against girls and women.  

Where it is practised?

FGM is practised all over the world including India. Some of the countries have a high prevalence rate which means that nearly all girls still experience FGM.

The countries which have high prevalence rates:-

Types of FGM:-

Causes of FGM:-

 1. Excessive bleeding

 2.Complication in Childbirth

 3. Problems in urinating 

 4. Problems in mensuration 

 5. Mental health Issues 

 6. Trauma 

 7. Death

Females who faced FGM:-

 More than 200 million women have undergone FGM. More than 3 million females are still at risk every single year.FGM is child abuse and sexual assault against girls.

Why it is practised?

It's about controlling female sexuality and a tradition to prepare a woman for marriage. Allegedly to purify them for their husbands. Sometimes it is done to girls because it's done to their mother.

Which religion follows this practice?

FGM is not a religious Exercise.

Mostly Christian, Muslim, Jewish communities practise FGM. There is nothing about FGM in any of their holy books that teach FGM.

How to end FGM forever?

Laws in India with Regards to FGM:-


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