
Showing posts from June, 2021

What is terrorism? All about terrorism!

 What is terrorism? It is deliberate, systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear to gain political ends. Terrorism is intentionally evil, a -necessary evil, and wholly evil.                                                      - paul johnson Who is considered a terrorist? The person who is engaged in spreading fear or threat in the territory through their violent activities is considered a terrorist. What is a terrorist organization? When a group of people having the same goal involved in inhuman activities is considered as a terrorist organization. Terrorism is widely considered to be the greatest security challenge of all time. Some of the terrorist organization are: What is the purpose of terrorism? 1. To gain political power. 2. To spread fear and violence among the citizens. 3. Designed to have far reaching psychological repercussion. History of Terrorism! Terrorism is not new in society. It has also an ancient origin.  The "Sicari" was an e

What is Gender Inequality? What causes Gender Inequality? Facts about Gender Inequality! What are the causes of Gender Inequality?

 What is Gender Inequality? Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals wholly or partly due to their gender. It arises from differences in gender roles. Gender inequality involves women's discrimination as one of its most rapport. What Causes Gender Inequality? 1. Uneducated parents  Illiterate parents discourage girl children from getting an education. They think that it is not good to send girls to school. It is the greatest reason for Gender Inequality. 2. Fewer schools As the number of schools is less, there are a limited number of seats for students. Parents think that it is preferable to send boys to school rather than girls. 3. Poverty In poor families, poverty is the biggest reason for Gender Inequality. Parents think that boys have to earn for the family, so it is important for boys to study. That is the reason why they prefer to send boys to school rather than girls because of limited money. 4. Discriminatory treatment among girls Girls of